Pumpkin Syrup

This syrup is really versatile and can be used to make all of your favorite fall drinks! It can also be drizzled over ice cream for a delicious treat! I like to make this in small batches so that I can finish this syrup within 5 days of making it. Ingredients: -1/4 cup of whiteContinueContinue reading “Pumpkin Syrup”

Mango Lassi

A perfect Summer day treat! This is tangy, refreshing and sweet. It is so incredibly easy to make and tastes super delicious. I like to drink Lassi often because it is an easy way to get probiotics in my system. You can adjust the sugar level to your taste! Yeilds: 3 servings Ingredients: -1 cubed,ContinueContinue reading “Mango Lassi”

Turmeric Latte

If you’ve ever had a Turmeric Latte than you know how good they are! It is a great caffeine free option that is amazing for your immune system! The curcumin that is present in turmeric has many anti inflamatory properties. I like making the iced version since it is so creamy and refreshing on aContinueContinue reading “Turmeric Latte”

Cucumber Lemon Aqua Fresca

Want to drink soda but don’t want all of that extra sugar? I have the answer for you: Cucumber Lemon Aqua Fresca! This recipe is inspired by my beautiful sister in law, Rukhsana. It is incredibly refreshing, delicious, and is versatile! You can add as much or as little sugar as you would like! YouContinueContinue reading “Cucumber Lemon Aqua Fresca”